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When the war began, only one country claimed to be Communist- the Soviet Union. (I say "claimed to be Communist" because they weren't really Communist in the sense that Marx described- they were actually brutal authoritarian dictatorships pretending to be Communist)

As the war ended, the countries that were "liberated" by the Soviets were made into Communist dictatorships too. The Soviets would elevate Communist rebels and party leaders in those countries to be the new national leaders. These were mostly countries in Eastern Europe, such as Poland, Yugoslavia, Hungary and Romania.

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10y ago
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13y ago

The Soviet union was the only communist country in world war two, however china would become one soon after, and many other countries would follow suit such as North Korea, cuba, and north Vietnam.

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13y ago

The list is short: the Soviet Union (U. S. S. R.).

It was only after the war that the Soviets were able to impose Communist regimes on the eastern European nations they had "liberated". (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, etc). The Soviets entered the Pacific War against Japan - for the last week - mostly so they could grab territory. One unfortunate piece of the planet the Soviets descended on was North Korea, where they also installed a Communist puppet regime, which this week is once more threatening war and rattling its newly acquired nuclear sword. A Russian gift to the world that just KEEPS on giving.

The Soviets attempted to foster a Communist takeover of Greece after the war, which led to a brutal and bloody Civil War in Greece, and ultimate failure there for the Soviets.

The Italians elected a Communist government in the 1970s, but soon were very tired of it, and voted them out. The same sequence occurred in Nicaragua.

The Cuban revolutionary, Castro, did not mention that he was a Communist until after the Revolution against Batista, a dictator, was won. The US had backed Batista, as the US often does with dictators in Latin America, because they bring "stability", which is good for business. US displeasure with Castro drove Castro, more or less willingly, into the arms of the Russians.

China was ravaged by the Japanese from 1931-45. The recognized leader of China was actually merely the most prominent and devious of the several "warlords" who each controlled a portion of China. This was Chiang Kai Shek, who would not fight the Japanese because he was saving all the supplies the US managed to get to him, in his remote corner of China, for the REAL showdown, to come after the US had defeated the Japanese for him, against his main rival, a Communist faction under Mao Tse Dung. Mao's followers were True Believers backed by the Soviets; Chiang's faction was a bunch of crooks. By 1949 Mao had succeeded and the Soviet backed Chinese Communists took over China. The Chinese and Russians afterward fell out, and went their separate Communists paths.

So about the only nations to turn Communist since WWII which did NOT have the Soviets squatting within their borders at the end of that war were Cuba and China. The Soviets attempted to impose a Communist regime in Afghanistan, beginning in 1979. The Soviets fought a twelve year long war there, often called "Russia's Vietnam", through 1991 and which contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union. The US backed the other side, gleefully, of course, including religious Moslems from other nations who came to fight against this infidel takeover of Allah's territory, like Osama Bin Laden. Russian failure in Afghanistan left that country in chaos, which opened the way for the Taliban to take over. The Taliban then welcomed Al Queda and its crusade against the west. And despite the complete, total failure of all attempts through history to impose unwanted change on the Afghans, including this very recent, graphic Soviet disaster, the US has now been pounding its own thick head against that very same rock wall for the last nine years now.

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12y ago

Following World War II, Communists consolidated power in Central and Eastern Europe, and in 1949, the Communist Party of China (CPC), led by Mao Zedong, established the People's Republic of China, which would follow its own ideological path of Communist development following the Sino-Soviet split. Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Angola, and Mozambiquewere among the other countries in the Third World that adopted or imposed a Communist government at some point. By the early 1980s almost one-third of the world's population lived inCommunist states, including the former Soviet Union and PRC. (wikipedia)

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15y ago

it was mostly in the forgein countries

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