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The US was part of NATO, the Soviets were WARSAW PACT.

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Q: Which Alliance Is The US Part of Cold War?
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What was US's views on the Vietnam war?

Part of the cold war.

Why did the US become of the Vietnam War?

Part of the cold war.

What was the US defensive military alliance after World War 2 called?

After WW II, in the era of the Cold War, the defensive military alliance was (and remains) NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

What alliance bodies were formed surrounding the Cold War?

NATO - the greatest influence in this alliance was the US. Most of West Europe was in NATO Warsaw Pact - led by the USSR. Most of east Europe was in this alliance.

What was the main reason US entered the Vietnam War?

Part of the cold war.

Did the us and france enter the cold war after world war 2?

No countries really 'entered' the Cold war, this was not an official 'declared' war. It was so called because of the opposing ideology of the Soviet system and the democratic western countries who made up the NATO Alliance. France was part of NATO until 1966 and then left.

Was the alliance between the Soviet Union and the US strengthened by World War 2?

It should have been, but it was not.The Cold War started soon after WW2.

Why did US join Vietnam?

To fight communism; part of the cold war.

What were the goals of the US in southeast Asia?

During the Cold War era, the only US objective in southeast Asia was to prevent nations from becoming communist. It was felt at the time (incorrectly) that all communist nations were necessarily part of a global, anti-American alliance.

Was the Korean War in fact part of the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union?

What started out as a civil war escalated into a spinoff of the Cold War as North Korea (China) and South Korea( The US ) were supported by these external powers.