extreme fighting
It is unbelievable that she is getting back with her boyfriend after the very brutal beating he gave her. World War II involved many deadly battles, but also the brutal treatment of prisoners of war.
Tibet was the country taken over by China in a brutal assault in 1950 and 1951.
How does one measure a King's power in these days of democracy. If it is a measure of what a king can do in his country without fear of open dissent among his subjects, then I would suggest the two most powerful Kings are King Mohammed Vl of Morocco and Sultan Qaboos of Oman.
It Was Very bad. The fighting was brutal and non stop.
King Tutankhamen was the most popular Pharaoh in Ancient Egyptian times, and the youngest.
An Egyptian King is called a Pharaoh.
Most commonly, Horus.
Narmer was the first egyptian king EVER.
The title for an ancient Egyptian king was "Pharaoh."
An Egyptian king is somone who rules over Egypt and is very royal.
The word brutal is an adjective; it describes a noun. Here are some examples of the word brutal used in sentences:'The king was brutal and merciless in his conquest for power.''The wrestling match was brutal, and resulted in several injuries.'
King Tut
The most brutal fighting was in the Southern Colonies
Because he WAS Egyptian
yes Akman Rah was an Egyptian king he also had a brother who was a king
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