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Q: Which Egyptian king was the most brutal?
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Who was the most popular pharaoh in the ancient Egyptian times?

King Tutankhamen was the most popular Pharaoh in Ancient Egyptian times, and the youngest.

An Egyptian King?

An Egyptian King is called a Pharaoh.

Which god did the Egyptian believes the king personified?

Most commonly, Horus.

Who was the first Egyptian king ever?

Narmer was the first egyptian king EVER.

What was the title for an ancient Egyptian king?

The title for an ancient Egyptian king was "Pharaoh."

What is an Egyptian king?

An Egyptian king is somone who rules over Egypt and is very royal.

How do you make a sentence by using the word brutal?

The word brutal is an adjective; it describes a noun. Here are some examples of the word brutal used in sentences:'The king was brutal and merciless in his conquest for power.''The wrestling match was brutal, and resulted in several injuries.'

What Egyptian king has a pyramid?

King Tut

The most brutal and destructive fighting of the revolutionary war occured where?

The most brutal fighting was in the Southern Colonies

Why did people think that king menes was Egyptian?

Because he WAS Egyptian

Is akmanrah an Egyptian king?

yes Akman Rah was an Egyptian king he also had a brother who was a king

Who was the last Egyptian King?

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