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Q: Which TWO states abolished slavery during the Revolutionary War?
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Was slavery prohibited in territories of the US?

Slavery was abolished in the United States territories in June 1862. Any new territory was not to have possession of any slaves after this date.

Why did Louisiana secede from the union during the Civil War?

Because it was one of the Deep South states that were most strongly identified with slavery, and it seceded before the war. It was the decision of the four slave-states of the Upper South to join the Confederacy that actually started the war.

What was the Constitutional amendment that freed the slaves?

The 13th amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery in the United States and its territories.

What year did the abolitionist society begin?

The Abolitionist campaign started after the American Revolutionary war when Northern States passed the anti-slavery laws through passage of constitution of Vermont in 1777. Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey followed suit soon after. By 1804 all Northern states had abolished slavery and only Southern states that had economic interest tied with slavery resisted.

What was a person called if he was against slavery?

A person who was against slavery was called an abolitionist. Abolitionists were people who believed that slavery was wrong and worked to end it. They came from a variety of backgrounds and had a range of beliefs, but they were all united in their opposition to slavery and their commitment to seeing it abolished. Many abolitionists were active in the movement to end slavery in the United States and other countries, and their efforts contributed to the eventual abolition of slavery in many parts of the world.

Related questions

What states did not attempt to abolish slavery around the time of the American revolution?

No state abolished slavery during the Revolutionary War. Massachusetts via its Constitution of 1780 did not recognize slavery and thusly "abolished" it, but no state abolished slavery as far as I can see before or "around the time" of the Revolutionary War.

What was the keypoint of the 13th amendment?

The thirteenth amendment abolished slavery.

What was abolished slavery?

Slavery was abolished in various countries during the 19th and 20th centuries. In the United States, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution officially abolished slavery in 1865. Other countries, such as Brazil and the United Kingdom, also abolished slavery during the same time period.

When was slavery abolished and why?

well it was abolished in the southern states of the u.s. with the emancipation proclamation during the civil war. once the north won the war it was abolished throughout the united states

What two states abolished slavery immediately during 1770 and 1780?

Vermont and Massachusetts

What year did New York abolish slavery?

they abolished slavery in the northern united states in 1861 and in the southern united states slavery was abolished in 1865.

Was the slavery was banned in the border states?

Slavery was gradually abolished in the border states during the Civil War. Kentucky abolished slavery in 1865 through a state constitutional amendment, while Maryland and Delaware also abolished slavery through state constitutions in 1864 and 1865, respectively. Missouri did not abolish slavery until January 1865 with a new state constitution.

What was lincolns famous proclamatiopn during the civil war?

Emancipation Proclamation, which abolished slavery in the United States.

What two northern states abolished slavery during the 1770's and 1780's?

vermont and massachusetts

What year did Delaware abolish slavery?

Delaware abolished slavery in 1865, following the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that officially outlawed slavery in all states.

When did the norhtern states abolish slavery?

Northern States abolished slavery between 1777 & 1804.

When did the Northern States abolish slavery?

Northern States abolished slavery between 1777 & 1804.