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The Soviet Union was the largest country of the Allied forces in WWII. Today the largest country in the world is the Russian Federation, the leader of the former Soviet Union.

However there are no more allied countries as they split into the American - NATO-OTAN alliance and Russian - Chinesse aliance, the former fighting for Globalism and Separatism and the latter for International Rights and Integrity.

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Q: Which allied country is the largest?
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What allied power had the largest land mass in World War 1?

Not a simple answer. Russia was the largest Allied country, population, & army when WW1 started, however it collapsed because of the 1917 Communist Revolution, and German victories. It was defeated before the war ended. The United States was the largest Allied country & population when the war ended, however the large US Army was not yet fully mobilized and in France to fight when the war ended. France was the Allied country with the largest army in the war zone when the war ended. Great Britain was the Allied country with largest navy, the United States had the second largest navy (not all in the war zone).

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June 1944

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What is a allied force?

allied forces is like an people where juty for our country . commander is caulin

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