The Battle of Gettysburg is usually noted as the turning point of the US Civil War.
Philip Sheridan was in the Civil War. He played a key role in the Battle of Perryville, the Battle of Cedar Creek, and the Third Winchester Battle. These were all battles fought in the period of the Civil War.
Gettysburg, Vicksburg, the Battle of Chattenooga, and the Battle of Pettersburg. You could argue that that the battle of Antietam was also a key victory as it gave Abraham Lincoln the grounds to issue his preliminary emancipation proclamation, but Antietam was not a stunning victory for the North.
General John J. Pershing led the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) in world war I. Key American battles were the battle of Belau Wood and the Argonne-Muse Offensive.
The Last Battle of the Pacific War was the Battle of Okinawa in 1945. After this battle, the United States dropped the atomic bombs, ending the war.
There was no single event that can be called the turning point of World War II; the war was simply to large and involved to many people over a very large area to be able to pin down a single key event. Key battles include: Stalingrad El Alamein Battle of the Atlantic Midway Kursk Arnehim Battle of the Bulge Guadalcanal Normandy And many others...
The battle of Midway is considered the turning point of the Naval War in the Pacific while the six month struggle for the island of Guadalcanal is considered the turning point for the land war in the Pacific
Vicksburg and Gettysburg.
Seven Year War.
Battle of Trention
Battle of Baltimore War of 1812
A key personfrom the revolutionary war
The Battle of Stalingrad.
Philip Sheridan was in the Civil War. He played a key role in the Battle of Perryville, the Battle of Cedar Creek, and the Third Winchester Battle. These were all battles fought in the period of the Civil War.
They played a key role by helping sparta with a better sea army in the war
It was the War of 1812 between the US and Great Britain.
The Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812, written by Francis Scott Key.