The Spanish Civil war provided opportunities for the equipment and weapons to be tested.
the spanish civil war occured between 1936- 1939
The Spanish Civil War was a rehearsal for Germany to test out some of its weapons and leaders. The Germans sent the Condor Legion to fight in Spain.
Civil War
The Spanish Civil war provided opportunities for the equipment and weapons to be tested.
The Spanish Civil War was in the late 1930's
The Spanish civil war lasted from 1936 to 1939.
The Spanish Civil war, 1936, involved forces from Germany & Italy on the side of General Franco.
No. In 1936 Spain and Spain fought a war called the Spanish Civil War. A civil war is fought in a divided country, not between two countries. However, outside countries can support one side or the other in a civil war. Germany and Italy supported the Nationalist side in the Spanish Civil War, and the USSR supported the Loyalist side.,
Italy Germany
the spanish civil war occured between 1936- 1939
The Spanish Civil War ended in April of 1939.
The Spanish Civil War ended in Spain.
The Spanish Civil War ended in April of 1939.
The Spanish Civil War was a rehearsal for Germany to test out some of its weapons and leaders. The Germans sent the Condor Legion to fight in Spain.