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Q: Which event led to a special legislative session in Georgia to consider seceding from the Union?
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Which special event led to a special legislative session in Georgia to consider seceding from the union?

Lincoln's Presidential Election

What is a prorogue?

adjourn,as in a legislative session

How does a legislative session effect legislators?

They make the legislative branch work. This is their job.

What is a special session?

A special session is a period when the body convenes outside of the normal legislative session.An extraordinary or special session refers to a period when legislators convene outside the usual legislative sessions.

What is special sessions?

A special session is a period when the body convenes outside of the normal legislative session.An extraordinary or special session refers to a period when legislators convene outside the usual legislative sessions.

Free-spending legislative session of 1890?

Billion dollar congress

Who can only call a special session of the legislature?

the governor

Why does Dimmesdale consider it fortunate that the ship is not to sail for four days?

Because he wants to give his last final speech he wrote on Election day, a day that commemorates and celebrates the new legislative session

How many days is the 2010 legislative session going to be held?

12 weeks

What has the author Peggy Medina Giltrow written?

Peggy Medina Giltrow has written: 'Subject index to New Mexico legislative bills, 1987 regular session' -- subject(s): Indexes, Legislative Bills 'Subject index to New Mexico legislative bills, 1986 regular session' -- subject(s): Indexes, Legislative Bills

How long does a Georgia legislative session last?

Short sessions which follow every even numbered year is 6 weeks.Long sessions which follow every odd numbered year is 6 months.

Why does dimmesdale consider it fortunate that the ship is not to sail for 4 days?

ecause he wants to give his last final and most emotionally powerful sermon on Election day, a day that commemorates and celebrates the new legislative session