doodle town, bibble town, and gaga town.
Garmish is a tourist ski town in Bavaria IN Germany, so if you mean "countries" surrounding that part of germany, the closest would be Austria.
The Union named the battles after the nearest body of water. The Confederates named it after the nearest town. The Battle of Shiloh is also known as The Battle of PIttsburg Landing.
In Germany, Austria and probably Switzerland, a Rathaus is esentially a Town Hall.
The Rottweiler is named after Rottweil< Germany because that is were it originated.
Germany, the hamburger is named after the town in Germany, hamburg.
No. Bastogne is in Belgium.
None. Hamburgers are named after the town of Hamburg, Germany. They do not contain ham.
The food served at the Contigo restaurant is a mixture of both Spanish and Catalan where every item of food is cooked by using the local ingredients in town groceries.
The name of the artificial chemical element darmstadtium is derived from the name of the town Darmstadt (Germany) where this element was discovered.
No, there is not a town named Piedmont in the state of Utah. However, there is a town named Piedmont in the state of Wyoming.
The town was named Ermioni
It was invented at a state fair in Wisconsin in 1885 and named after the town on Hamburg, Germany so yes it really is American.
A Small Town in Germany has 304 pages.