The U.S.S.R = Soviet Union
Lincoln was sad cause he lost so he ended slavery so that he and a larger nation could mourn the loss together. With all of the slaves free sadness was larger and it inspired the soldiers to fight harder and that's what they did.
There were many negative effects of the US Civil War. To note one huge negative effect was the loss of over 620,000 lives because Americans could not reach a compromise on issues that divided the nation. The loss of lives has to be the major negative effect.
The casualties of war are things or people that are lost. A loss of a military or civilian life, as well as the loss of perspective, loss of moral code, or code of honor is my perception of the term.
France lost Alsace and Lorraine just before ww1 and this could have been one cause of ww1! xx lots of love xx .......!!
They had mining rights
The French influence in Canada diminished greatly due to their loss in this war.
Terrorism can have various effects1) Tourism of an economy slides to the negative scale due to intimidation.2) Agricultural Production of an economy is greatly affected3) There is a Direct Human and Militaryloss4) Share Markets and GDP gradually are shown the way down5) Loss of Population or manpower will decrease the working population of the nation which is a great loss.
to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act fault disappointment etc ) to think of with a sense of loss (n )a sense of loss disappointment dissatisfaction etc a feeling of sorrow or remorse for a fault act loss etc regrets a polite usu formal refusal of an invitation
Twelve years after Russia invaded Afganistan in 1979, the Russian economy collapsed. In current day, there is a sense that the undeclared invasion of Ukraine is having a similar effect, due to loss of oil and gas revenues in Europe.
If you must know, the mystical "children of the corn" were greatly affected by the loss of their homes.
Casualties for the people of the US; loss of esteem for the nation.
As the result of France's loss in the Franco-Prussian War, the northeastern French Province of Alsace Lorraine (called Elsass-Lohringen in German) was ceded to Greater Germany.
Most areas affected by tsunamis have tsunami preparedness education available. Learning and following those procedures will greatly decrease the loss of lives if a tsunami does hit.
The best advice to follow when trying to avoid hair loss is to take care of your hair. Keeping your hair in the best possible condition could greatly increase one's chances of avoiding hair loss.