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Q: Which nation was stripped of its armed forces and most of its territories and was forced to pay reparations at the end of world war 1?
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What is one way the Treaty of Versailles affected Germany after World War 1?

The treaty forced Germany to reduce its military forces, to demilitarize its borders, and to pay huge monetary reparations.

Is one way the Treaty of Versailles affected Germany after World War 1?

The treaty forced Germany to reduce its military forces, to demilitarize its borders, and to pay huge monetary reparations.

Why might Germany be angry over reparations?

The Allied Forces were tottally unfair in the reparations towards Germany, which is what mainly caused World War Two to start. During the Reparations, Germany was demilaritized, had no army, was split in half and etc.. All of these reparations were made and passed without Germany even present when the reparations were made.

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September 1945

What country was the least satisfied with the treaty of Versailles?

Germany was forced to accept the blame for the ear and to pay reparations to all of the Allied powers in proportion to the damage done to them, and with a punitive price added. They were also forced to demobilize their air and land forces and to severely curtail their naval forces, and cede land to the allies, and to demilitarize the Rhineland. The Germans were humiliated, and they war debt led to runaway inflation.

Document signed June 28 1919 that stripped Germany of its armed forces?

Treaty of Versailles

What happened after U.S. forces were victorious in the Battle of the Bulge?

German forces were forced into full retreat

What did austria want at the World War 1 peace conference?

The Paris Peace Conference was held by the Allied Forces, who won the War; Austria had been on the defeated side and did not participate. However, the Treaty of Saint-Germain, which was signed at the Conference, redrew Austria's borders to recognize independence of certain territories, and ordered Austria to pay war reparations.

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What did the Treaty of Versailles force Germany to do?

Germany by the treaty of versailles?Forced Germany to loose its territories e.g. gave German east Africa to Britain, Rhineland became a demilitarised zone and Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia became independent states.Germany's armed forces had to:*have no air force*no tanks*no submarines*have only 6 battleships*had their navy limited to 150,000 men*thier army limited to 100,000 men. No conscription*and size and number of naval ships limitedHad to pay reparations of £6600 million as compensation to the allies.They also had to accept the blame for the war.

What is it called when you are forced to serve in the armed forces?

Conscription (the Draft)