reconstructionThe years immediately following the civiil war is(1865-1877)are known as the Reconstruction Era
Reconstruction, the Red River War in the West, the Spanish American War, the admission of several new territories and states, as well as parts of the Progressive Movement, most notably Theodore Roosevelt's presidency. This is a pretty general explanation, but if you search "timeline of American history," you're sure to find something.
republican party
Reconstruction did not occur during the Civil War. Reconstruction was after the terrible destruction of the war. And reconstruction was not entirely successful, despite what that chapter in the history book tells you. Reconstruction first started with lincolns plan. It failed. Congress then tried a plan, but Lincoln pocket vetoed it. Johnston then tried a plan, but failed, then congress came up with a new plan and suceeded.
Licerio Geronimo
Fourteenth Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment
prohibition and the repeal of it
By reading them
Marsha Ziff has written: 'Reconstruction following the Civil War in American history' -- subject(s): Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877), Juvenile literature, History
Public schools became segregated in the United States as well as other public places due to the reconstruction amendments collapsing along with the Reconstruction era.
Reconstruction Era American history
what are the importance of sources of history to the reconstruction of history