The Civil War came to a conclusion in the month of April, 1865. President Lincoln had desired this peace; this reunion of the nation was his goal during the last four years as president. His plans insured for a peaceful reinstatement of all Confederate states into the Union, and that animosity would not exist. However, his plan would be stopped by John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln a few days after the Confederate surrender. Lincoln's plan, when compared to Andrew Johnson, and the Radical Republican's plans, was the best way to reintroduce the Confederate states. Lincoln's plans consisted of resolutions that guaranteed peace between the Southern states, economic reconstruction for the South, and fair treatment of the recently freed African Americans. Hope this helped! :]
Doubtless that one proposed by Lincoln, because of its great political farsightedness,
plenty of human lenience and comprehension towards the former enemy which he considered worth helping in order to restore an enduring peace between the two parts.
Hadn't Lincoln been assassinated, his plan would have helped the South to get rid of slavery and restore its economy without excessive troubles, avoiding the long lasting
consequences which had arisen, not only for the South but for the whole Nation, by adopting or, better said by imposing and carrying out, the most radical and vindictive of the three plans.
The Lincoln Reconstruction PlanThe Initial Congressional PlanThe Andrew Johnson Reconstruction PlanThe Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan
Lincoln's and Johnsons reconstruction plans both focused on pardoning the confedrate states and restoring the union quickly.
did not recognize the state governments formed under Lincoln and Johnson plans except for Tennessee and divided the other ten former Confederate states into five districts.
enactment of black codes by souther leadersoutbreak of race riots in new Orleans and Memphisthe election of former confederates to congressresponse of southern legislatures to the 14th amendmentmassive exodus of former slaves from the south.distrust of Johnson and his reconstruction plans
You should do your own schoolwork.
The South really didn't have a plan instead they opposed reconstruction. Lincoln proposed a 10% plan which means 10% of white males in each state had to take an oath which in slavery was illegal.
The Lincoln Reconstruction PlanThe Initial Congressional PlanThe Andrew Johnson Reconstruction PlanThe Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan
to create the new amendments
3// 100% sure
President Lincoln announced his plans for reconstruction in the South on December 8, 1863. With this announcement, he added a political component to the war.
Lincoln's Reconstruction plan, Johnson's Reconstruction Plan and the Radical Republicans in Congress Reconstrucion plan
After Lincoln was assassinated, his plan for reconstruction was stopped and cancelled by the Radical Republican, who had the majority in the Congress.
The Reconstruction Era was the period of time that began after the US Civil War. The plans to reunite the USA were controversial and bitter.
Development is necessary
Lincoln's and Johnsons reconstruction plans both focused on pardoning the confedrate states and restoring the union quickly.