woodrow wilson 1856-1924 was the us president from ,arch 4,1913 to march 4, 1921ncluding all of world war 1
The president of the United States at the beginning of World War 1 is...............................................Woodrow WilsonFrom Ethan Symons (Year 10 at La Salle College)
Woodrow Wilson was the US President during this entire war.
Woodrow Wilson was the US president during WW I.
Woodrow Wilson.
Edward House
Edward House
Woodrow Wilson, the President during that time.
President Woodrow Wilson withdrew American troops from Mexico in 1917 because he was concerned about World War 1 raging in Europe.
Wilson's Fourteen Points.
Wrong year. President Woodrow Wilson withdrew American troops from Mexico in 1917 because he was concerned about World War 1 raging in Europe.
woodrow wilson 1856-1924 was the us president from ,arch 4,1913 to march 4, 1921ncluding all of world war 1
President Wilson blamed Germany for World War 1.
The president of the United States at the beginning of World War 1 is...............................................Woodrow WilsonFrom Ethan Symons (Year 10 at La Salle College)
Woodrow Wilson was the US President during this entire war.
President Wilson