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Q: Which of these was created as a direct result of the Nuremberg Trials following World War 2?
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Which situation was a direct result of the Holocaust and other atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War 2?

The Frankfurt war crimes trials, the UN charter on human rights.

What insurgency element provide strategic direct the insurgency?

Which of the following insergent eWhich of the following insergent elements provide strategic direction to the insurgencylements provide strategic direction to the insurgency

What are two examples of direct control in ww1?

The two examples of direct control in ww1 included price controls and rent controls.

What was the attempt to aid European countries after world war 2?

Following WWII, most European countries were completely destroyed, economically, industrially and agriculturally. In fear of many European nations falling prey to communism, the United States set up the Truman Doctrine on 12 March, 1947, which allocated $400 million to Greece and Turkey in military and economic aid. Due to the success of the Doctrine, the Marshall Plan was created in June of 1948. The Marshall Plan was direct economic aid for any democratic European nation who needed it. At its end in 1951, the Marshall Plan cost the United States over $13 billion.

What is the meaning of 'Cold War'?

cold war is a war of difference ideas. It started when communist party was formed in Russia and named USSR. Then many asian countries start following communist type of government.USA was following its own type of government so it becomes a compitition between USA and USSR to expand their type of government.

Related questions

What best describes the direct results of the Nuremberg trials?

The direct results of the Nuremberg trials were the prosecution of prominent Nazi leaders for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities committed during World War II. This led to the conviction of many individuals and the establishment of legal precedents for future international trials for crimes against humanity.

Which situation was a direct result of the Holocaust and other atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War 2?

The Frankfurt war crimes trials, the UN charter on human rights.

What describes the direct result of the Nuremberg trails?

The main outcome of the Nuremberg trials was the establishment of the principle that individuals can be held accountable for war crimes and crimes against humanity. This helped set the foundation for future international tribunals and the development of international humanitarian law.

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Could you please answer my question?thanks

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