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After the war started, all eyes were on the four slave-states of the Upper South that had not seceded - Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware.

All of these were deeply divided states with plenty of Confederate sentiment, but Lincoln managed to keep them loyal.

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Seven states seceded by February 1861: * South Carolina (December 20, 1860) * Mississippi (January 9, 1861) * Florida (January 10 1861) * Alabama (January 11 1861) * Georgia (January 19, 1861) * Louisiana (January 26 1861) * Texas (February 1 1861) After Lincoln called for troops, four more states seceded: * Virginia (April 17, 1861) * Arkansas (May 6, 1861) * North Carolina (May 20 1861) * Tennessee (June 8 1861)


The Confederate States of American were the Deep-South States and the Upper-South States.

The Deep-South States were - in order of how they left the Union - South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana. Texas was not officially recognized as part of the Deep-South but threw its lot in with them and so generally is counted as a Deep-South State.

The Upper-South State were - in order of how they left the Union - Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee.

The Confederacy also claimed Kentucky and Missiouri but was never able to gain a strong hold on either.

The Confederate States of America was the name taken by six southern states when they organized their own government at Montgomery, Alabama, in 1861. The states seceded from the government of the United States in 1860 and 1861 because they feared the election of Abraham Lincoln, a Republican President , may lead to restrictions on their right to do as they chose about the question of slavery.

The first state to leave the Union was South Carolina on December 20, 1860. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana followed South Carolina's lead in January 1861. In March of 1861, Texas also seceded. Then in 1862, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee joined the ranks to make 11 Confederate States in all.


Virginia, North Carolina- South

Any state under those- Deep South

(Florida, and Texas disputed from categories.)

Nebraska Iowa

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North Carolina

South Carolina









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South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama,Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana

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Q: Which southnern state wanted to secede from the nation?
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