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Q: Which two diseases did the League Of Nations try to destroy?
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Where was the league of nations located during World War I?

the league didnt even exist during world war 1, it was formed after it to try and make sure that, a war on that scale would never happen agian

Why was the legue of nations formed after world war 1?

To try and prevent future world wars from occurring. WWI was so terrible that people wanted it to be the "war to end all wars". The Great Depression, the rise of fascism, the failure of the League of Nations to respond to Japan's invasion of Manchuria and China all resulted in the League of Nations failing in it's main goal to prevent another world war.

Did people try to stop World War 2?

Yes, a league of nations tried to stop World War II. Many citizens who were not part of government also did not believe in the war efforts.

What organization was created near the end of world war2 to try to prevent future global wars?

AnswerThere was an organization called the League of Nations, (or "LON" in short) which was formed after World War 1. Its aim was to prevent wars from taking place and world-wide disarmament. Sadly, the main powers like Britain and France were self-minded, and dealing with Great Powers like Japan, Germany, and Italy were inefficient. Several small countries had solved their disputes, however, because they feared trade embargos with these world powers would adversely affect their economy.When Communists came into power in the USSR (in 1917), the League of Nations banned the USSR, as they feared the spread of Communism. Although the United States started the idea of the LON, the USA did not join because of their isolationism policy.These inefficiencies of the League of Nations led to outbreak of World War 2. Fortunately, in 1946 the League of Nations volunteered to dissolve themselves because the United Nations (or "UN") had formed in 1945. It has gone from 51 founding members to 192 current members. Today, just about every country - including Israel, North Korea, Iran, and Iraq has joined the UN. Currently (as of November 2009), there are only three countries not a part of the United Nations: Kosovo, who gained independence in February of 2008 (but is not internationaly recognised), the Vatican City, who opted not to join, and Taiwan.The issue with Taiwan is a little complicated, but the main problem is representing both the People's Republic of China and Taiwan at the same time.

What 2 major changes did WW1 cause?

The US became the worlds first (and only) major superpower and many break away countries were formed like Poland, and Czechoslovakia. The league of nations was also formed to try and succeed in world peace. Germany was economically crippled

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What organisation was founded to maintain peace after World War 1?

The League of Nations was formed to try and keep peace at the end of WWI.

What was it called when Wilson's attempt to try negotiation and arbitration to settle differences with foreign nations?

The League of Nations.

What precursor of the united nations was tried after world war 1?

The league of nations, you idiot. Try reading a book.

Why did the league of nations try to encourage disarmament?

i know the answers but i don't have to tell you see you

How did the league of nations try to solve social problems during the 1920's and 1930's?

edhbbjfnnknnbgkj fjfso

What did many countries form to try to prevent war?

They formed treaties and pacts.In addition many formed the League of Nations and the United Nations, neither of which were very successful.

What was the fourteen points and league of nations?

The Fourteen Points are Wilson's plan for world peace following World War 1 and the League of Nations - An international peace-keeping organization proposed by Wilson and founded in 1920.

The league of nations proved to be an ineffective mechanism for solving global conflicts is the united nations similar should the us drop out of the un for that reason why?

no. because it only makes sense to try again.

Where was the league of nations located during World War I?

the league didnt even exist during world war 1, it was formed after it to try and make sure that, a war on that scale would never happen agian

Why was the legue of nations formed after world war 1?

To try and prevent future world wars from occurring. WWI was so terrible that people wanted it to be the "war to end all wars". The Great Depression, the rise of fascism, the failure of the League of Nations to respond to Japan's invasion of Manchuria and China all resulted in the League of Nations failing in it's main goal to prevent another world war.

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What is the aim of the league of nation in first world war?

The League of Nations actually started up after World War 1. The organisation was actually set up by the victorious allies to try and eradicate another war. It had basically the same incentive as the UN today. This is because it was the UN's predecessor. that is the aim of the league of nations. It fell apart before World War 2 however. After WW2 it was replaced by the UN