The two main groups were the Chinese communists, led by Mao Tse Dung, and the Nationalists, led by Chiang Kai Shek. The nationalists were the group recognized by the west as the "legitimate" government of China, and the group which had been allied against Japan and Germany during WWII. They were the successors to the Kuomintang nationalist movement from earlier in the century. But the nationalists never really controlled all of China and in truth Chiang was ony the largest and most successful of a number of different "warlords". There is a "dynastic cycle" in the long history of China, and whenever the central government grows weak its authority ceases to reach all far flung corners of the land, and warlords spring up to challenge for control of those areas. Eventually one of these warlords becomes powerful enough to displace the old dynasty, and establish a new dynasty. This is essentially what happened in 1949 when the communists won the civil war, and became the strongest government since the decline of the last Imperial dynasty forty years earlier.
Nationalists were losing and took refuge on Taiwan
Communists were winning and were attacked by Japan
Your mom and your dad
Justin Bieber i love ya!!
Selena Gomez please don't marry hiM!!
u smile i smile hahahahahahah
US, Russia, and Great Britain, along with France, China, Poland, were the allies. axis were the germany, japan, and italy
Japan had conflicts with China and Russia before World War one.
The World War 1 Veterans are dead. They were born before 1900 in order to serve in World War 1.
There were two groups fighting in World War I - the Axis and the Allies. The Axis consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), and Bulgaria.
People's Liberation Army (Zedong) and the Nationalist Party (Kai-Shek) (I think, not entirely sure)
They fought the japanese.
they fought against Germany
the triple alliance and the triple entente
Europe, Asia, China Burma India, Africa,
it is japan
Communists and Nationalists
Yes. MLM yes, I think there were because mostly every other part of the world was fightong and China had to be fighting.
Canadians, Indians and ANZAC's(australians and New Zealanders) all fought for the British empire in world war 1.