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Polk was the president, but the man who took the Mexican governor to Sutter's Fort and hoisted the Bear flag was John C. Fremont.

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Q: Who Declared California independent in 1846?
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How did California become a republic?

in California, a small group of American citizens revolted against the Mexican government. The rebels easily defeated the small force in the village of Sonoma and forced the Mexican leader to sign a treaty turning California over to them. They then declared Cali to be The Independent Republic of California on June 14, 1846.

Who was the leader of the rebels who declared California an independent republic?

Fremont played a huge part in the revolt of california.

Bear Flag Republic?

Nickname for California after it declared independance form Mexico in 1846.

California became an independent republic called the what republic?

California became an independent republic called the "Bear Flag Republic" in 1846 after a group of American settlers declared independence from Mexico. The republic was short-lived, lasting only 25 days before California was annexed by the United States.

Who declared California an independent republic?

James K Polk

What did Texas becomes when it declared its independent from Mexico?

It became The Lonestar Republic It was the Republic of Texas from 1836 until 1846 when it was admitted to the Union.

What did Texas become when it declared its independent from Mexico?

It became The Lonestar Republic It was the Republic of Texas from 1836 until 1846 when it was admitted to the Union.

An uprising by American settlers in California in which the settlers declared California to be an independent republic?

the bear flag rebolt

What did Clalafornia call itself when it declared itself independent from Mexico?

Republic of California

What happened in New Mexico and California?

In California, Americans rebelled against Mexican rule in the Bear Flag Revolt. The rebels declared California independent of Mexico and named it the Republic of California.

What happend in New Mexico and California?

In California, Americans rebelled against Mexican rule in the Bear Flag Revolt. The rebels declared California independent of Mexico and named it the Republic of California.

When did the war between Mexico and the US start?

On 13 May 1846, the US congress declared war on Mexico. Mexico never declared war on the United States.