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It actually represented his failure to destroy the Army of Tennessee, as ordered. (That army escaped.) But the fall of Atlanta gave the North a big, dramatic signal that the war was going their way. Many claim that it saved Lincoln from losing the imminent General Election of November 1864.

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Q: Who LED the battle of Atlanta?
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Who was the leader of the union in the Atlanta battle?

General William Tecumseh Sherman led the Union forces.

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The Confederates were led by John Hood, who lost the Battle of Atlanta, but got his men out safely. There was no surrender.

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The Battle of Atlanta was on July 22nd, 1864.

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Battle of Ezra Church was fought after battle of Atlanta on 28 July 1864.

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in atlanta

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The Battle of Atlanta, part of the American Civil War, occurred on July 22, 1864. The result of the battle was a victory for the Union.

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The Battle of Atlanta fought during the American Civil War lasted Six weeks.

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The Battle of Atlanta from the Civil War lasted six weeks.

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When was Atlanta battle?

The Battle for Atlanta started on July 22 1864 and ended six weeks later.

Where was Atlanta battle?

In the Northern and Western suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia.