you need to specify more, millions of people, even billions have served in thousands of different wars.
well i found that 1,000,000,000+ people served in battle of world war 1.
Nobody served in the Cold War. It was a war of words.
Over 16 million US servicemen were in uniform. US Women served as special volunteers in the WAVEs & WACs.
About 60,000 people served i think..
well i found that 1,000,000,000+ people served in battle of world war 1.
960 million people fought or served in World War 1. 1,963,208,400 people served or fought in World War 2. These figures include all nations involved, all the armed forces and includes women who served.
Sergeant Leigh Ann Hester and Deborah Samson are some of the women who served during the Mexican war.
Many people who served in the war were too young to vote.
over 4000
His Favorite Things to do as a president is meet people and do speeches
Nobody served in the Cold War. It was a war of words.
In the US forces 2,1 million served.
the people involved on remembrance day are the people who died in the war