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Youths are kids

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Q: Who are the youths?
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Which of these is an accurate fact about violence among youths in schools?

the rates have nearly fallen back to what they were in the 1980's

What's the difference between military school and boot camp?

A military school is a private school which emphasizes military style training and discipline. In general these are designed to prepare students for college if not a career in the military. A boot camp is a place where new military recruits receive their basic military training. However the term is often used to denote programs where wayward youths are sent in an attempt to change their behavior with strict discipline.

Where did the name infantry come from?

The term "infantry" originates from the Latin word "infans," which means "foot soldier." In ancient times, infantry referred to soldiers who fought on foot as opposed to cavalry who fought on horseback. Over time, the term evolved to specifically denote the branch of an army composed of foot soldiers.

When did the Hitler youth begin?

the Hitler youth started in the period of the great depression. Hitler wanted to indroctunate as many young children as possible so that when they grow up they will become good Nazis. and help make Germany pure and so they can have their thousand year empire. that's what i think but do count on it

Who were the Hitler youth?

It was an organization for boys and young men. You did not HAVE to belong, but, it was safer to join, for your family. The HY had many activities for young people, emphasizing physical fitness, and activities in which skills useful in a military context were learned, such as camping, hiking, map reading. There was a heavy dose of Nazi political brainwashing, and some of the most fanatical Nazis were produced from this system. There was an entire SS division, the 12th I believe, that was the "Hitler Youth" division, which was particularly noted for its savage ferocity and barbarity by Allied troops, appalled at this from the fuzzy cheeked boys of the "baby division". The companion organization for girls was the BDM - Bund Deutsche Madel.

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Minority youths are - at a rate two to five times that of white youths?

Minority youths are - at a rate two to five times that of white youths?

Minority youths are what at a rate two to five times that of white youths?

Minority youths are incarcerated at a rate two to five times that of white youths.

What do you think about the feelings of youths?

To start off with youths dont have any feelings at all the only feelings youths have are in their pants.

What is the collective noun for youths?

The collective noun is an optimism of youths.

What is more precious the youths today or youths before?

Mostly music and parties

When was Balzan Youths F.C. created?

Balzan Youths F.C. was created in 1937.

When was Wexford Youths F.C. created?

Wexford Youths F.C. was created in 2007.

Is the youth the plural of youth?

No. The plural of youth is youths. As in "the youths are in trouble with the police again".

What is the Hebrew word for training youths?

to train youths = le'amen tse'irim (לאמן צעירים)

When was Ancient Society of College Youths created?

Ancient Society of College Youths was created in 1637.

When was Society of Royal Cumberland Youths created?

Society of Royal Cumberland Youths was created in 1747.

Should one use youth or youths as the plural of youth when referring to people?

You would say, 'The youths turned around,' but 'We stand up for the youth.' So generally 'youths'.