What happened is that, The Confederacy attacked Fort Sumter.The Union was forced to surrender, and they did. The only person who died in the Union there was killed in the last explosion.That's what happened at Fort Sumter. Read More on History.com
The first shots of the Civil War were fired.
Confederate artillery fired on the Union garrison at Fort Sumter, a tiny island in Charleston harbour.
Lincoln responded by calling for 75,000 volunteer troops.
The war was on.
April 12th, 1861; however, the battle continued onto the 13th and 14th.
The Confederates bombarded Fort Sumter, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, on 12 April 1861
The Attack on Fort Sumter in April 1861 Began the American Civil War. Confederate Brigadier Gen. Beauregard demanded the surrender of the Union garrison of Ft. Sumter in Charleston, SC.
The first shot's credited to the start of the Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter in South Carolina were the Confederate military attacked the fort.Fort sumpter
Fort Sumter was attacked in April of 1861.
It was attacked on April 1861
April 12, 1861
Fort Sumter is located in Charleston, South Carolina. It was attacked on April 12, 1861 when Colonel James Chesnutt gave the orders for it to be fired upon.
The Confederates attacked the Union fort on April 12, 1861.
It was attacked on April 12, 1861, at 4:30 AM, by the forces of Gen. Pierre Beauregard.
April 12th, 1861; however, the battle continued onto the 13th and 14th.
The Civil War of the United States of America began on April 12 when the confederates attacked Fort Sumter.
The Confederates bombarded Fort Sumter, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, on 12 April 1861
The Attack on Fort Sumter in April 1861 Began the American Civil War. Confederate Brigadier Gen. Beauregard demanded the surrender of the Union garrison of Ft. Sumter in Charleston, SC.
Major Robert Anderson, United States Army, was the commander of Fort Sumter when the Confederates under Beauregard opened fire on it on April 12, 1861.
The first shot's credited to the start of the Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter in South Carolina were the Confederate military attacked the fort.Fort sumpter
The South attacked the North. This was the start of the American civil war.