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not himmler According to pchquiz4cash, the correct answer is Admiral Doenitz

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Q: Who became Germany's leader upon the death of Adolf Hitler?
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How old was Adolf Hitler when he became leader of Russia?

Hitler was never the leader of Russia.

Who became germany leader in the 1930?

Adolf Hitler

What did Adolf Hitler do when he became fuhrer?

He became the Leader of the German Army

What year was it when adolf Hitler became leader of Germany?


When Adolf Hitler bwcom leader?

He became the leader of Germany on 30 January 1933.

When did Adolf Hitler became the leader of Germany?

On 30 January 1933

Adolf Adolph Hitler becoming leader?

He became leader of Germany on 30 January 1933.

How old was Adolf Hitler when he became leader Germany?

He was 43 years old.

This dictator was the leader of Nazi Germany from 1933-1945?

That would be Adolf Hitler.

What is Adolf Hitler leader of?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the German Nazi Political Party and the German Leader from 1934 to 1945.

Did Adolf Hitler became a leader by force or aggression?

yes he did because he brainwash other people

Who was the leader of the third Reich?

Adolf Hitler until his death, and then Karl Donitz.