Containment was coined by George Kennan, one of our few Russian experts and serves as an ambassador to Russia. He looks at the problem with the Soviet Union and writes the Long Telegram and said the soviets will only understand force, but we don't have to go to war and we should focus on containing them. He stated that we have a vital and peripheral areas and that we just have to keep them from spreading to our vital areas of interest (Western and Eastern Hemisphere and Japan). In order to contain the Soviet Union, we needed military alliances, military preparedness and he recommends foreign aid.
Deriving directly from the Middle Frenchmousquette, a type of sparrow-hawk, the English wordmusket, coined in the 1580s, is used to describe a firearm for the infantry.
Karl Philip Von Clausewitz
It was coined around the 19th century and it was manufactured around 1920
George F. Kennan. He first coined the concept of "containment" in his "X article", which was published in Foreign Affairsmagazine in July 1947, right before the Cold War took off.
American capitalists did to stop other countries from becoming communist
That policy is called the 'containment policy'. It led to the US involvement in the Korean and Vietnam wars, among others.
Franklin D. Roosevelt first coined the term "United Nation" as a term to describe the Allied Countries..
William James coined the term stream of consciousness.
The term coined to describe today's national-state government relations is nation-state. The concept of the nation state can be compared and contrasted with that of the multinational state or city and state.
The term coined to describe today's national-state government relations is nation-state. The concept of the nation state can be compared and contrasted with that of the multinational state or city and state.
The term Abominable Snowman was coined in 1921 by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Howard-Bury.
The word "spectrum" was coined by Isaac Newton in the 17th century to describe the band of colors that make up white light when passed through a prism.