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George Keenan

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Q: Who coined the phrase 'containment' to describe America's Soviets policy during the cold war?
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Who was the father of foreign policy of containment?

George F. Kennan. He first coined the concept of "containment" in his "X article", which was published in Foreign Affairsmagazine in July 1947, right before the Cold War took off.

Which American policy maker coined the phrase containment?

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What was George Kennan's proposed policy toward the soviet union?

That policy is called the 'containment policy'. It led to the US involvement in the Korean and Vietnam wars, among others.

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What term has been coined to describe today's national-state government relations?

The term coined to describe today's national-state government relations is nation-state. The concept of the nation state can be compared and contrasted with that of the multinational state or city and state.

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