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Robbert E .Lee

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Q: Who commanded the souths army for the seven days battles?
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Who commanded the souths army for the seven day battles?


Who commanded the souths army for days battles?

Robert E. Lee

Who commanded the souths army for the seven days battle?

Robbert E .Lee

Who commanded the south for the seven days battle?

The Seven Days was a series of battles between June 25 and July 1, 1862. The Confederate army was commanded by General Robert E. Lee who had taken command of the Army of Northern Virginia barely three weeks earlier.

Who commanded the south's army for the Seven Day battles?

The Confederate General Robert E. Lee was the commander in the Seven Days Battle. For the Union, General George B. McClellan was the commander. Over a period of seven days six major battles took place around Richmond, Virginia.

Who commanded the the South's army for the seven days battles?

The Confederate General Robert E. Lee was the commander in the Seven Days Battle. For the Union, General George B. McClellan was the commander. Over a period of seven days six major battles took place around Richmond, Virginia.

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The battles of Shiloh, where he commanded an Army Corp, Stone's River, Chickamauga and Chattanooga, where he was the Confederates' Field Commander .

Who commanded the south's army for the seven days battles?

The Confederate General Robert E. Lee was the commander in the Seven Days Battle. For the Union, General George B. McClellan was the commander. Over a period of seven days six major battles took place around Richmond, Virginia.

Who commanded the south's army for seven days battle?

Robert E. Lee

Who commanded the south army for the seven days battle?

Robert E. Lee

Who were the commanders of the Seven Day's Battles?

Over a period of seven days, from June 25 to 28th, and June 29, to July 1st, 1862,six major battles took place around Richmond, Virginia. These are called the Seven Day's Battles. With Confederate General Johnston wounded, Robert E. Lee was placed in command. On the Union side, General George B. McClellan commanded the Army of the Potomac.

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