Jews were involved in the Holocaust because the Nazi rejected their religion.
The Nazis hated the Jews primarily on ethnic or racial, not religious grounds. In fact, it had just about nothing to do with religion. The Nazis saw the Jews as the 'biological root' of Communism.
Millions of people were involved in the Holocaust. It affected the lives of almost all Jews in Europe (approximately six million were killed) as well as gypsies, homosexuals, and other minority groups. It was perpetrated by Adolf Hitler, Himmler, the Nazi Party and other Germans, and Europeans in occupied countries who collaborated with the Germans or looked the other way.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum was created on 1993-04-22.
The Nazis did not plan to murder all prisoners in camps built before the Holocaust
There were threee main powers.... Hitler was the leader of Germany, Mussolini was the leader of Italy and HiroHito was the leader of Japan --- Please don't treat World War 2 and the Holocaust as the same thing! The Holocaust took place during World War 2, but there was much more to World War 2 than the Holocaust. Japan, for example, was not involved in the Holocaust at all ...
Escape: Children of the Holocaust profiles 7 child Holocaust survivors.
Where did the events of the Holocaust span?
Toxic Holocaust was created in 1999.
Paroxysmal Holocaust was created in 1989.
The Holocaust Experience was created in 2003.
The Holocaust Kid was created in 2002.
Final Holocaust was created in 1990.
Zombie Holocaust was created in 1979.
Armageddon Holocaust was created in 1999.
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust was created in 1990.
The Holocaust Industry was created in 2000.
My Holocaust was created on 2007-04-03.
Robot Holocaust was created in 1986-04.
Symphonic Holocaust was created in 1998-10.