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Q: Who designed the Italian army uniform?
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When did the army begin using the Army Combat Uniform?

The uniform was first fielded in April of 2005

What makes the army uniform a uniform?

Because it's worn uniformly by all personnel in the Army.

What are the three different uniforms of Army people Navy and airforce people?

the british army were MTP (used to be dpm95) navy where blue shirt and pants with a peek cap and air force where mtp on tour but they where a olive green over all when training (btw they also use the L22A2 AVF carbine varient of the L85A2) HOPE THIS HELPED :)

Why do army band rank insignias appear upside down?

The United States Army Band (Pershing's Own) wears Civil War-style rank on its dress uniforms. The uniform itself is designed after 19th-century Army uniforms.

Where does the flag go on a army dress uniform?

There is no flag on the dress uniform

How do you add style to a school uniform?

By definition, a "uniform" is designed to be the same as everyone else. In order to add individual style to any uniform, one must alter the uniform which will make it no longer a uniform. It sucks, but a uniform is designed to make you look just like everyone else in a uniform.

When did Italian Army in Russia end?

Italian Army in Russia ended in 1943.

When was Italian Army in Russia created?

Italian Army in Russia was created in 1942.

Wear the US Army CIB on a US Marine uniform?

No the CIB is a an Army award and not transferrable to the Marine Core dress uniform.

When your in college Army ROTC do you get a uniform?

You get several different types of uniforms - PT uniform, dress uniform, ACU uniform, etc.

What is the Australian army's uniform?

Army green with a special hat (and a gun!)

Do you get an uniform before bootcamp in the army reserve?

A person does not get a uniform before boot camp in the army reserve. A uniform is handed out during the Reception Battalion, referred to also as week zero.