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Parliament wanted increasing amounts of additional power, ranging from the education of Charles's siblings to Charles having to ask permission before making any official decisions. Try a more detailed explanation.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

King Charles 1st led the English Civil War.

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King Matteo VI of Spain

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Charles I.

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Q: Who did Parliament get support from in the English Civil War?
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The English Civil War took a great affect on them because they had to decidewhether to support the king or the Parliament.

How did the civil war affect the English colonies in North America?

The English Civil War took a great affect on them because they had to decidewhether to support the king or the Parliament.

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Who was the English Civil War against?

A civil war is a war between factions in the samecountry.The English Civil war was a war between the royalists(supporters of the king) and parliamentarians(supporters of the parliament).

What did parliament do to cause the English Civil War?

Eat chicken

In the English Civil War how did Charles power struggle with parliament help to start the English Civil War?

well Charles ! with Parliament because Charles did not give them enough power and so the civil war broke out on really what seems to be Parliament and Charles fighting over power!!!!!!!x

Did the french and English support the confederacy during the civil war?

The French and the English did not support the Confederacy during the Civil War. Instead, the countries decided to support the Union.

How did the outcomes of the battles of the English Civil War affect the King and Parliament?

Parliament won the war, and the king lost his head.

Which English city supported parliament in the civil war?

London mainly

What dynasty was embroiled in a costly civil war with the English Parliament?
