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well it wasn't discovered it was created and "it" is "they" there were many different types of gasses and the french first used tear gas Germans used Phosgene, chlorine, and mustard gas in the battles of Ypres I hope this helps u

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Q: Who discovered the poison gas used in World War 1?
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What war was poison gas used in?

World War I

Who used mustard poison gas in World War 1?

The Germans used the deadly poison Mustard Gas in World War I. The British used something equivalent to this, but not exactly the same.

Was gas used in the crimean war?

No. Poison gas was first used in World War 1.

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World War 1 was the first time Poison Gas was used on the battle field.

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In the beginning of the war, only the Axis used poison gas (mustard gas was the first kind to be used), but by the end of the war, both sides used poison gas as a weapon.

What poison gas was used during World War 1?


Was poison gas used in World War I?

Yes. Mustard Gas

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How were poison gases used in world war 1?

they thourgh ot

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Poison gas used in World War 1?

tear gas