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According to recent numerical research and records, the north had a few more casualties than the south during the Civil War, or the battle between North and South. The south suffered 490,309 soldiers killed, wounded, captured or missing, while the north suffered 596,670.

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Q: Who had more casualties the north or the south How many more did they have?
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Who had more war casualties the north or the south how many more did they have?


Who had more casualties the north or the south how many more they have?

According to recent numerical research and records, the north had a few more casualties than the south during the Civil War, or the battle between North and South. The south suffered 490,309 soldiers killed, wounded, captured or missing, while the north suffered 596,670.

Who had more casualties in the civil war?

The North had more casualties but the south had a greater percentage of the total population killed.

What were the effects of war in south?

The south was not as powerful as the north. The north had more advantages than the south. The south had less transportation and not as many weapons.

Did the South have many public schools?

Not as many as the North did because more people lived in the North

What did South America have more of then North America?

On a geographical basis, South America has more rain forests and jungle type areas then North America. Politically speaking, South America has many more countries then North America.

Did the north or the south have many shipyards?

The North, or also known as the Union had more shipyards.Your Welcome

Which has more people north or South Korea?

North Korean population (2009 est.) : 23,906,000 South Korean population (2009 est.) : 48,379,392 South Korea has more than twice as many people as North Korea.

How did the difference in population of the North and South affect the outcome of the US Civil War?

It lead to a major military advantage because there were more men in the North to participate in the war effort. The South had a smaller population and this was a great disadvantage. Only a disadvantage if the North was willing to wage war.

How many casualties did the union have?

Over about 116,000,000 peopledied in the union.

What do the north and south have in common?

This depends on which north and south are under discussion the north and south of Ireland North Korea and South Korea North Vietnam and South Vietnam the North and South in the American civil war North Dakota and South Dakota .... and many more.

How many casualties resulted at the Battle of Antietam?

Casualties on both sides in the US Civil War Battle of Antietam were heavy. One reason that Lee's army incurred heavy losses was Lee's failure to more successfully entrench his army with the understanding that he would be fighting a defensive battle at Antietam. Figures on battle casualties on each side vary, however, many historians had the South suffering slightly more of them then McClellan's attacking forces. Figures vary on this, however, many estimates place the South's casualties at 13, 725. In comparison, Union losses were approximately 12,470, including the 12,000 Union troops that surrendered at Harper's Ferry.