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Vietnam War or Second Indochina war was a conflict between North Vietnam supported by USSR, China and communist regimes and South Vietnam supported by USA. Although President Kennedy realized the importance of engaging communist designs in Vietnam he was against full scale US Military deployment in the region. However, after his assassination Lyndon Johnson took over and reversed the previous policy and ordered US military deployment in Vietnam in 1963.

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President Truman provided Lend Lease equipment to France in September of 1950, Eisenhower provided Advisors, Intelligence, the CIA and Air America, Stateside and in country training and Kennedy in 1961 added the Green Berets.

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Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford.

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Eisenhower and Kennedy both sent non-combat military support to Vietnam.

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Q: Who increased aid and military advisor's sent to South Vietnam?
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Did Eisenhower made a commitment to send combat troops to Vietnam during his presidency?

The government of South Vietnam requested military advisors from the United States to help train the South Vietnamese army. Ho Chi Minh was a communist and during the Cold War of the 1950s and 60s, the aim of the US government was containment of communist power and not to let it spread. The Eisenhower administration provided South Vietnam with money and military advisors (not officially called troops) to help stop the threat of a North Vietnamese takeover. The United States also was pledged by treaty (SEATO) to aid the member nations in southeast Asia, if they were attacked by a foreign (communist) power.

How long did the Vietnam War last?

The U.S. sent funding and military support to French forces in Vietnam starting in 1950. By 1961 the US had military advisors stationed in Vietnam. The US did not become fully involved as a military force until 1965. The French fought for roughly 11 years prior to that. There is also the point that there have been military actions between North and South Vietnam hundreds of years before the French became involved.144 days????

What is the ARVN in Vietnam war?

ARVN stands for "Army of the Republic of Viet Nam." This was the South VietNam Army that the U.S. and other allies supported until April, 1973 - when all other forces withdrew from South Vietnam, turning their military equipment over to the ARVN.

What was MAAG?

MACV; Military Assistance Command (South) Vietnam.

How did the vietcong insurgency affect american policy toward vietnam?

The vietcong strikes convinced President Kennedy to send American military advisers to South Vietnam

Related questions

The US began to send military advisors to South Vietnam in .?

1954 A+

How many US military advisors were in South Vietnam in 1963?

Less than 50,000.

Did Kennedy send military advisors to south or north Vietnam?

He Sent them to Help The South Vietnamese Against The North Vietnamese

What type of advisors did President Kennedy send to South Vietnam that set the stage for a prolonged and painful conflict?


Did the US send combat troops to Vietnam just to protect its advisors and the south vietnamese government from North Vietnam and the Vietcong?

US Military Advisers were in South Vietnam to help the South defend themselves. When that didn't work, US Regulars were sent in. When that didn't work, they vacated the field.

Who first put US advisors in Vietnam?

The earliest records of US advisors in Vietnam were from the Kennedy Administration (1960-1963), Kennedy was a strong supporter of the "Domino" Theory and was providing a lot of support to the leader of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, it included US Advisors for training, strategy and maintenance, military aid of equipment, vehicles and weapons and huge amounts of monetary aid as well.

What year did President Eisenhower first send aid and military advisor's to South Vietnam?

In 1959 i was 32 years old and i remember reading in the news print that President Eisenhower had sent advisors to Viet-nam or was going to send advisors.

Why did the Vietnam War start and why were there two parts of Vietnam with 2 different governments?

To prevent Communist North Vietnam from taking over the free Republic of South Vietnam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First yes there were two governments in Vietnam at the time. North Vietnam was a communist state and South Vietnam was democratic. Our involvement started when the french left Vietnam in the late 1950's. The south vietnamese asked the American government for help to train their soldiers to defend against the vietcong invasion. We sent over advisors and the north vietnamese started attacking the advisors so we sent troops over to help protect the advisors. It wasnt until the mid 1960's that we reached a full involvement in southeast asia. That point the idea was to patrol the jungles and so forth to continue helping to protect the south vietnamese and advisors we had training the ARVN (army of the republic of vietnam). Also another reason for our increased involvement was something called the Gulf of Tonkin resolution. The north vietnamese sank one of our smaller ships (a frigate i believe) so we increased troop strengh.

How many U.S. military troops were in Vietnam?

South Viet Nam's Armed Forces at the time was about 243,000. The US had about 760 "advisors" in country at that time.

Did Eisenhower made a commitment to send combat troops to Vietnam during his presidency?

The government of South Vietnam requested military advisors from the United States to help train the South Vietnamese army. Ho Chi Minh was a communist and during the Cold War of the 1950s and 60s, the aim of the US government was containment of communist power and not to let it spread. The Eisenhower administration provided South Vietnam with money and military advisors (not officially called troops) to help stop the threat of a North Vietnamese takeover. The United States also was pledged by treaty (SEATO) to aid the member nations in southeast Asia, if they were attacked by a foreign (communist) power.

Kennedy increase advisors and aids to the south?

Yes, President Kennedy did increase the number of advisors and aides to South Vietnam, in an attempt to prop up the unpopular leader, Ngo Diem

How did Eisenhower support the Vietnam's War efforts?

President Eisenhower was the first president to send the first American soldier to Vietnam. He refered back to his promise to send military and/or political help to any country fighting Communism; this happened to be the case in Vietnam.