Admiral Karl Donitz
Adolf Hitler's successor was Grossadmiral Karl Donitz. Himmler, Goebbels and most of Hitler's inner circle had committed suicide to escape capture by the Soviets. Karl Donitz was actively in charge of the Reichsmarine and was the direct leader of the "wolf packs" a group of U-Boats ordered to sink any supply ships going to the Allies.
Adolf Hitler until his death, and then Karl Donitz.
Grossadmiral Erich Raeder, chief until 1943. Grossadmiral Karl Dönitz, chief until 1945.
The man who ordered the surrender of Nazi Germany was GrossAdmiral Karl Donitz who was the successor to A. Hitler. The man who actually signed the surrender of the German Govt./ German Army(Wehrmacht), was Colonel- General Alfred Jodl. Jodl was the Chief-of-staff of the German High Command.
Admiral Karl Donitz
Admiral Karl Donitz
The correct spelling is "Donitz." It is a German surname.
Admiral Karl Donitz of the German Navy surrendered the Third Reich. It would have fallen on Hermann Goering, but Hitler was outraged when he learned that Goering had already surrendered himself to the Allies. Hitler kicked Goering out of the Nazi Party and named Donitz as his successor. Hitler probably expected Donitz to fight to the end, but after Hitler's suicide Donitz immediately went about the task of surrender.
karl donitz
Adolf Hitler's successor was Grossadmiral Karl Donitz. Himmler, Goebbels and most of Hitler's inner circle had committed suicide to escape capture by the Soviets. Karl Donitz was actively in charge of the Reichsmarine and was the direct leader of the "wolf packs" a group of U-Boats ordered to sink any supply ships going to the Allies.
Karl Donitz
Karl Donitz
The General Jodel and the Admiral Donitz
Adolf Hitler was leader of Germany for nearly all of the war. Before killing himself he named Admiral Karl Donitz as his successor, and he surrendered Germany to the Allies.
Karl Donitz was leader of the Kreigsmarine during World War 2, and for a brief time, chancellor of Germany (he was named as Hitler's successor but surrendered to the allies 9 days after his death).
Hitler's original planned successor was Hermann Goering, leader of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force). But after a spat on April 28th, two days before Hitler shot himself, Goering was removed as successor and Karl Donitz was substituted. This was probably a poor decision on Hitler's part - Donitz capitulated with the Allies just 9 days later.