There was none. the union and the confederates were only separated during the war
Japanese immigrants did not settle in large number in the West after the Civil War.
that was the color of the American soldiers prior to the civil war
Because of the slavery. Many people were disagreed with slavery which led to civil war but Virginia wanted to keep slavery so they created another country. since it was in the west they called it West Virginia.
the vaqueros swelled with veterans who headed west to work on cattle ranches
Improvements in irrigation
There has been no civil war in England whilst a queen has been on the English throne.
West Virginia was pro Union during the Civil War.
Virginia was the confederate state that was primarily the battleground in the civil war in the west. IMPROVEMENT. Tennessee was the primary battleground of the Civil War in the West.
she was a union ram that was later captured by confederates and later burned and exploded at grand lake-atchafalaya river
Japanese immigrants did not settle in large number in the West after the Civil War.
California is on the west coast and was not a part of the civil war.
The West.
that was the color of the American soldiers prior to the civil war
it was your mom
West Virginia
for time past