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SUIDICE is a metal band from Eau Claire, WI USA. It consists of Kris Miller (guitar), Matt Henning (vocals), Justin Marko (bass), and Kennedy Smith (drums). This is a bio from the myspace page: When most bands write their songs they're trying to send a message to the listener; something along the lines of "how do you want to live your life?" That's where SUIDICE is different. SUIDICE aims straight to the heart of the listener and fires the question, "how do you want to die?" The band's message is simple, "live every day as if it were your last because it just might be and you wouldn't want to die unsatisfied." SUIDICE was formed in November of 1999 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Formed out of the ashes of the notorious high school shock-rockers, CHAINS OF DEVOTION, SUIDICE arose, marching forward with a new mission: total musical domination. Over the years they've been called, "the tightest band in Eau Claire," with their unorthodox, complex style of songwriting. SUIDICE strives to create each new song better than the last. In 2005, the hard work began to pay off as a rough-mix of a single (entitled "Driven") from SUIDICE's debut album (entitled "Dying D.I.Y.") was featured on Turkey Vulture Records' worldwide released compilation CD, "The Harder, The Better: Volume Ten." Upon seeing their live show it's no surprise why SUIDICE is known as "the Chippewa Valley's most physically-fit, metal band" - with the wild antics of frontman, Matt Henning, nearly but never quite upstaged by the action-packed showmanship of guitarist, Kris Miller, and bass player, Justin Marko; of course the stick-twirling-madman behind the drums, Kennedy Smith, only adds to the show. SUIDICE has often travelled to perform but the band plans to take the United States by storm with an all-out, balls-to-the-wall, national tour in the future.

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