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The population has been estimated at 91.5 million people in 2012.

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Vietnamese citizens.

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California has a large population

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Q: Who lives in Vietnam?
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A person who LIVES N VIETNAM?

A vietnamese

How many lives of Vietnam soldiers were lost in the Vietnam war?

they were partially treated of the univesati of michigan .i.

How did Americans perceive the Vietnam war on there personal lives?

The military draft would interfere with their personal lives.

How many people from Vietnam live in US?

Well, the answer is kind of complicated but the answer is more than 60% of Vietnam's population now lives in America.

What was the Vietnam war controversy?

The military draft effected everyone's lives.

Where saolas live?

The Saola lives in the Annamite mountains in between Laos and Vietnam.

What was the purpose of the Vietnam memorial?

To honor and memorialize the lives of the nearly 60,000 Americans who died in the Vietnam War, and to those whose whereabouts are still unknown.

How many American lives were lost during tne Vietnam war?

Over 50,000 Americans were killed and missing in action during the Vietnam War.

Why is there a monument for the Vietnam War?

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a National War Memorial honoring the members of the US Armed Forces who died or are unaccounted for during the Vietnam War. It is not a monument to the Vietnam War. It is a monument to people that gave their lives serving their country.

How did America pull out of the Vietnam war?

They ran for their lives, deserting most of those that were loyal to them

How many names on the Vietnam wall and why are they there?

There are 58,286 Americans named on the memorial honoring those who gave their lives in service to the American nation while fighting the war in Vietnam .

How many lives did the Vietnam War cost America?

Over 58,000 US servicemen died.