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Dwight D. Eisenhower pledged U.S. support for a non-communist Vietnam. Ngo Dinh Diem (the leader of South Vietnam at the time) opposed both the French and the Communists making many American leaders such as Eisenhower support him.

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The Soviet Union, and Soviet bloc countries, and Red China supplied war material to North Vietnam.

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USSR/Red China trained N. Vietnamese MIG fighter pilots; and supplied the NVAF with MIG-17, MIG-19, MIG-21 jet fighters.

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Q: Who offered support to the south vietnamese leader?
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Early in the Vietnam War, the United States support the leadership of Ngo Dinh Diem. He was assassinated in 1963. Following his death, the next president of South Vietnam was Nguyen Van Thieu.

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Was the Viet Cong an organization?

Yes. They were a Vietnamese Communist paramilitary organization primarily based in South Vietnam in support of the North Vietnamese military forces. The Viet Cong was dissolved in 1976 when South Vietnam capitulated to North Vietnamese military forces.

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Who replaced Ngo Dinh Diem as leader?

After a series of South Vietnamese government leadership changes, following the assassination of President Diem, President Nguyen Van Thieu became the leader of South Vietnam.

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First of all, there were two Vietnamese peoples during the war. The North Vietnamese had a good leader, whilst the South Vietnamese may have had decent leader, the north had a better one; since the north won the war. Secondly, any nation could use a good leader. Unless that particular nation (country) is doing so well (economically, etc.) that it excels on it's which case the leader is nothing but a "figure head" (a person who is leader of nation in title but has NO real authority).