Physical damage
Yes , the Battle of Tarawa was fought during the second world war : November 20 to November 23 . See related link below to additional information .
civil war
July 1 to November 18, 1916 during WWI.
Nixon resigned and it was AFTER the war had ended.
Gerald ford
Numerous leaders have resigned over the years.In the US, Richard Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974 before he was to be impeached.Other significant resignations include:Mikhail Gorbachev during the collapse of the USSR. (1991)Boris Yeltsin of Russia (1999)Hosni Mubarak in Egypt during the Arab Spring (2011)Presidents often resign from their previous office to take the office of President. Eg.: Bill Clinton resigned as Governor of Arkansas to become President of the United States.
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt .
Kennedy was assassinated; Johnson refused to serve any longer; Nixon resigned.
Robert E. Lee
I have a challenging boss and I make my decision to move forward with my life.
shut the hallup that not fear we live we need wi wnd we
Puberty is a stage of physical development during adolescence.
Theodore Roosevelt
Unless there is some prohibition against it in the organization's bylaws then yes, they can.