The provisional Government that ruled Russia after the March 1917 Revolution was chosen by the Duma.
In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun for a male who ruled Russia before 1917 is czar.The noun for a female who ruled Russia before 1917 is czarina.The noun czarina is also a word for the wife of a czar.
The Romanov family ruled for 300 years before Nicolas and his family were murdered in 1917 because of the revolution.
Russia was a monarchy run by Czar Nicholas II until he abdicated the throne in March 1917. Then it was ruled by a government of ministers called the Provisional Government until the Communist takeover in October 1917.
Russia did not have a president in 1869. Up until 1917 Russia was known as the Russian Empire, ruled by a monarch; the tsar. In 1869 Russia was ruled by Tsar Aleksandr II (reign 1855-1881).
The Romanov family ruled over Russia from 1613 when Michael Romanov was chosen to be Tsar after the Time of Troubles to 1917 when Tsar Nicholas Romanov II abdicated.
Russia is ruled by a government with a prime minister at the top of it . It has a President as well. So Russia is a republic. (Previously, until 1917, it was a monarchy - the monarch was called a tsar .)
Before WW1, until 1917 in fact, Russia was ruled by the Roamanov dynasty, the Tsar was the Head of State. Tsar is a title like King or Emperor and is derived from Caesar. There was no such thing as a president in Russia then. The last Tsar was Nicholas II.
From the year 1613 to 1917, there were 18 tsars who ruled Russia. The last tsar, Nicholas II, abdicated in 1917 and was subsequently killed along with his family, in 1918 by the Bolsheviks.
There were three governments in Russia in 1917. The Tsarist regime was the government in Russia at the beginning of 1917. The Provisional Government took over after Tsar Nicholas II abdicated as a result of the February Revolution. Lenin and the Bolsheviks became the governing authority when they deposed the Provisional Government in the October Revolution and remained in power past the end of 1917.
The Romanov family were important in that they had much influence in Russia. From 1600 to 1917, a Romanov ruled Russia. The end came in 1917 as last Russian Tsar was overthrown in 1917. Later that year the Bolshevik's took Russia out of WW 1.
The Romanovs ruled Russia from 1613-1917 when they were ousted by the broadly based revolution in March of that year.