Although there were errors overall the D Day mission was a success
Yes , the Allied invasion of a Nazi occupied Europe was a success .
The success of the Pan American Union was limited because members began pulling in different directions. Lack of unity coupled by intimidation and threats limited the success of the Pan-American Union .
What was important to the success of the Progressive leaders
What does success means? Are we really caught up in that much pressure to appear "successful?" Is it embarrassing to be a faithful and happy family man who drives a UPS truck, or grows organic vegetables, or works on an assembly line? Or a woman who has chosen to be a stay-at-home mom rather than climb the corporate ladder? Would being a marriage counselor or a grade-school teacher be viewed as adequate success? What parts of our lives do we want our old friends to know about? Are good health, spiritual vitality and loving relationships enough to be proud of as a life well lived? For days I have borrowed this definition of success: Success = the progressive realization of worthwhile goals." That allows success for a college sophomore who is learning to learn, or for the person who chooses to teach reading in the ghetto, or for the artist who create beautiful works, or for the individual who delivers the mail -- and a smile.
Sheryl Towers has written: 'Seeds of success' -- subject(s): Self-realization, Self-actualization (Psychology), Success
They didnt
David A. Gustafson has written: 'Points' -- subject(s): Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Success, Self-perception, Self-realization, Success
Jack Myrick has written: 'The merchant' -- subject(s): Self-realization, Success in business
If you show integrity, you will make your success worthwhile, people that lie make money, but they do not have peace of mind and may end up in jail.(Bernie Madoff). What is your defintion of success? Happiness, wealth? No matter, getting to success honestly is always the best policy.
Success because of its complexity ,may mean different things to many people .However, whatever the conceptualization may be, i want to submit here precisely that success is the full accomplishment and realization of a life vision.Think about it.
Heather Wilson has written: 'Seeds of freedom' -- subject(s): Joy, Self-realization, Success, Quality of life
Dennis E. O'Grady has written: 'Taking the fear out of changing' -- subject(s): Change (Psychology), Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Success, Self-realization (Psychology), Success
Trying to find a worthwhile job and someone to love. In his lifetime he failed bitterly. Today his art is a great success.