The highest ranking military official is Thomas de Maziere, the German defense minister.
The highest ranking military leader under him is the chief of staff, General Volker.
Germany was in an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy.
Adolf Hitler did.
How Many Military Deaths Where There In World War Two ? :)
It allowed France and Russia to mobilize their militaries faster than Germany had thought possible.
winston churchill
In some ways. Hitler wanted to restore germanys' military strengths and conquer Europe. Meanwhile japan wanted to conquer because they felt cheated after ww1
37 billion dollars
Benito mussollini
Benito Mussolini .
Yes, he was the prime minister and military leader of Britain during world war 2
The Russian Czar was a poor leader during World War 1. He had no military experience and was unable to relate to the people or to the troops when he reviewed them.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
General Hideki Tojo.
Bernard Montgomery is probably the best known of the British military leaders.