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Hermann Goering is the founder of the Gestapo.

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He was a politician, military leader, and a leading member of nazi. He created the gestapo.

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Q: Who was Herman goring and what did he have to do with the gestapo?
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What is a Fallschirmjager?

It is the German term for a paratrooper. The Germans did not use the Fallschirmjager in the role that they were intended aftert the fighting in Crete in 1941. After that they were always used as infantry. Other uses The Herman Goring Division evolved over the years and grew in size. When it became a panzer division, its name became Fallschirm Panzerkorps Herman Goring. The literal translation was "armored paratroopers"---which is obviously an impossiblity.

Who was in charge of the German air force during second world war?

Herman GoringHermann Göring commanded the German air force.

What were Adolf Hitler's secret police called?

The Gestapo was a secret police that showed their strength with the use of terror. Hitler and the Nazi party used this secret police to hunt down Jews, gypsies, etc. Once they found them, they would be sent to the concentration camps.

Nazi leader of the Gestapo?

Technically, the Gestapo was under the control of the SS after 1934, so the head was Heinrich Himmler, who was the worst of all Nazis in my opinion, and made Hitler look like a political moderate. Before 1934, Herman Goring, one of the least culpible Nazis was in charge and this led to a rivalry between the P.O.S. Himmler and the World War 1 hero and fighter pilot ace Goring. However, because of their fear of the S.A and its leader, Ernst Rohm, the made a truce and convinced Hitler to get rid of the SA leadership in what became known as the night of the long knives. After that the Gestapo became a branch of the SS under nominal control of Himmler, who appointed Reinhard Heydrich as the figurehead of the orginazation with Heinrich Muller running most of it's day to day operations. It is important to note that the gestapo was more of a security force, comprable to the CIA and KGB, and though some of the lower ranked commisioned officers were no doubt guilty of some horrible instances of war crimes, they were not part of pos Himmlerts roving death squads.

What were the gestapo weapons?
