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Giap was the NVAs most well known general; US commanders Harkins, Westmoreland, and Abrams were the most well known US generals. There were HUNDREDS of US generals in the war, at least 12 of them (counting one admiral) were killed in Vietnam. USAF generals flew combat missions over North Vietnam (actor & USAF Reserve General James Stewart was one of them). Stewart had flown B24 Liberator missions over Germany in WWII.

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13y ago
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16y ago

The PRIMARY US Generals were: GEN Maxwell Taylor, Harkins, Westmoreland, and Abrams. COL's Olds, Starry, Summers, and George S. Patton (son of WWII George S. Patton, Jr), became prominent during and after the war, and/or became Generals.

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13y ago

General Paul Harkins commanded until about 1964. General William Westmoreland commanded until approximately 1968. General Creighton Abrams (whom the US M-1 Abrams tank is named after) was commander until about 1973 in Vietnam.

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16y ago

GEN Paul Harkins was commanding general until 1964; GEN William Westermoreland commanded until 1968/69; GEN Creighton Abrams (namesake of our current M-1 Abram's tank) commanded from '68/'69 until the end of the war.

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16y ago

You need to obtain a copy of Vietnam War: ORDER OF BATTLE; by Shelby Stanton. The USAF had generals, the USMC, and the US Army (the Navy had Admirals). The following US Army divisions were in Vietnam, each commanded by a general (11th ACR may have had only a full Colonel in command): Generals Harkins, Westmoreland, and Abrams were the commanders of ALL US Forces in Vietnam from '61 thru '73. 1. 1st Air Cavalry Division (Sky Troopers) (Film: We Were Soldiers...) 2. 1st Infantry Division (Big Red One) 3. 4th Infantry Division (Ivy Division) 4. 5th Mechanized Infantry Division (only the 1st Brigade-authorized one commanding general) 5. 9th Infantry Division (Film: Forest Gump) 6. 11th ACR (Blackhorse/Armored Cavalry Regiment) (Commanded by Colonel George S. Patton, son of WW2 General Patton). 7. 82nd Airborne Division (All Americans) 8. 101st Airmobile (Abn) Division (Screaming Eagles) 9. Americal Division (Oregon Task Force) (former division of General's Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell). 10. 199th Light Infantry Brigade 11. 196th Light Infantry Brigade 12. 25th Infantry Division (Tropical Lightning) (Film: Platoon).

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15y ago

That list would go into the hundreds. The most famous were some that were COL's that later made GEN such as future GEN's George S. Patton Jr. (son of WWII General Patton) who commanded the 11th ACR (Armored Cavalry Regiment-Blackhorse) in Vietnam in 1968; Robin Olds who was a WWII ace over Germany, and many believe was a Vietnam War ace with 5 MiG kills...but Olds didn't want to be grounded so he never admitted to obtaining a 5th MiG aerial victory). During the actual war itself, some famous US GEN's were USAF Curtis LeMay, and USA GEN's William Westmoreland, and Creighton Abrams the namesake of today's M1 Abrams MBT (Main Battle Tank). All three US GEN's fought in WWII. One day, historians will figure it all out; why so much confusion occurred during the Vietnam War...(answer: it was fought by WWII vets who were confused with "limited warfare"-meaning no nuclear weapons could be used to "fight to win!).

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15y ago

USAF General Curtis LeMay, USA Generals Westermoreland & Abrams. In Vietnam, the Colonels did most of the fighting and some famous ones that later made General were COL's Robin Olds (USAF), George S. Patton & Donn Starry (USA).

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15y ago

General's Curtis LeMay; Westmoreland; Abrams.

Colonel's George S. Patton Jr. (son of WWII Gen Patton); Robin Olds (WWII ace)

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16y ago

US Army General Westmoreland and Abrams.

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