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There were a few victorious Union generals in the Civil War but most people would name Ulysses S. Grant first. It is true that Grant was the leader of all the armies of the north but Phillip Sheridan and William T. Sherman were just as important if not more so. Since Grant was in charge most of the praise goes to him, but he could not have done it without all the hard work of Sheridan and Sherman!

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10y ago

During the Civil War and even long after, the two most well-known (and, in various senses, popular) generals were Ulysses S. Grant of the North and Robert E. Lee of the South. These two generals were admired for their military leadership skills and achievements as well as for virtues particular to each: the persistence and resolve of Grant, the grace, kindness, and commitment to honor of Lee.

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14y ago

U.S. Grant, who rose the the top job - General-in-Chief.

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ulysses s. grant

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Robert E. Lee

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Q: Who was a victorious Union general for the civil War?
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