Well, Adolf Hitler was the main persecutor wasn't he? and part of the non-jewish German public... err... ???
Escape: Children of the Holocaust profiles 7 child Holocaust survivors.
Where did the events of the Holocaust span?
There was no guerilla warfare in connection with the Holocaust.
The ISBN of Is the Holocaust Unique? is 0813336864.
This question doesn't make sense. Do you mean "what was the cause of the Holocaust?" Do you mean "who was responsible for the Holocaust?" Rephrase the question.
A synonym for oppressor is a dictator or a persecutor.
Oppressor is a very light way of saying what Hitler was.
The Supreme Oppressor was created on 2008-02-18.
oppressor plutonium
The oppressor in World War 1 was Germany. Germany was part of the Central Powers alliance and fought against the Allies who included Britain and the USA.
oppressor, dictator, bully, autocrat, despot
Social Construction of Race
autocrat, despot, tyrant, oppressor, autarch
persecutor, oppressor, tormentor, browbeater, coercer, ruffian
Another term for bully is tormentor or oppressor.
When an oppressor uses race to determine who is and who is not privileged.