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All able bodied US Males, normally between ages 19 and 26, deferred men were collegestudents/physically unfit.

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Able bodied males.

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Q: Who was called to serve during the Vietnam war?
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When do Vietnam won the war?

There was no country called "Vietnam" during the war. There was a country called North Vietnam and another country called South Vietnam, which one are you asking about?

How did the US find enough people to serve in the military during the Vietnam War?


Who did Vietnam fight with?

The nation of Vietnam came into existence in 1975 (on paper in 1976). So are you asking about that Vietnam or the Vietnam War? There was no nation called "Vietnam" during the Vietnam War.

LifeWhat was the style of vietnamese citizens during the Vietnam war?

They were called "Peasants" during the war.

What was the Drafting of men to serve in the army was called?

The FIRST US draft was during the US Civil War (1861-1865). The LAST US draft was during the Vietnam War (1961-1975).

Who lived in Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!

What was the communist Vietnam gov called during the Vietnam War?

The People's Republic of Viet Nam. (PAVN)

Did Vietnamese have a place in the US?

Are you talking about a North Vietnamese or South Vietnamese EMBASSY? There would have been no such thing as a Vietnamese Embassy during the Vietnam War. There was no country called Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

During the Vietnam War African American soldiers were?

More likely than others to serve in combat positions

During Vietnam war African American soldiers were?

More likely than others to serve in combat positions

What was the pesticide called that was used during the Vietnam war?

The herbicide that was used during the Vietnam War was Agent Orange, which contains a deadly chemical called dioxin.

If you served during the Vietnam war in the us army reserves but were not called to active duty except for training are you considered a Vietnam era veteran?

You are a Vietnam Era Veteran but not a Vietnam War Veteran