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Q: Who was known as the great comprimiser for his solutions in holding the nation together and avoiding a civil war?
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When was Holding Together created?

Holding Together was created in 1976-03.

Is there anything holding the pyramids together?

yes there is something holding the pyramids together. the substance or thing that is holding the pyramids together is mud or cement.

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The minority leader has the job of holding together opposition to the majority's agenda in the house.

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In any solid the particles have bonds holding the atoms together into molecules, and bonds (or forces) holding the molecules together to form the solid.

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Retaining or holding things together.

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The formation of solid-liquid solutions typically releases heat, as energy is usually given off when dissolving a solid in a liquid. This is because the intermolecular forces between the solute and solvent molecules are stronger than the forces holding the solute particles together, resulting in a net release of energy.