General Robert E. Lee, was offered command of the Union Army but declined. He later fought for the South, commanding the Army of Northern Virginia.
Robert E Lee. He refused, saying that he was a Virginian and so would fight with his state after it seceded.
robert e lee
He offered the job to Robert E. Lee, who said he would wait to see if his home state of Virginia voted Confederate (which he hoped it wouldn't). Unfortunately it did, and he ended up as General-in-Chief of the Confederates, surrendering his army to U.S. Grant.
general pickett IMPROVEMENT. After the death of Stonewall Jackson at Chancellorsville the second in command was Gen. James Longstreet.
Body of water.
Savannah was occupied by Union forces on December 22. 1864. These forces were led by Civil War General Sherman.
robert e lee
He was offered command of the entire Union army, but rejected.
Lee declined the job and resigned his commission to fight for Virginia instead.
i dont no
Although offered command of the Union forces at the outset, Lee said he could not raise his hand against Virginia, and resigned from the US Army.
Robert E. Lee
Robert E Lee
No he wasn't a general and din't have any experience.
Robert E. Lee was offered command, but turned it down.
Robert E. Lee. (Spoiler: He didn't take it.)
He ran for the office and was well known for his command of Union forces in the Civil War.
President Abraham Lincoln, wanted Robert E. Lee to command the Union army. Lee was one of the greatest military men in the United States, and was admired by people in both the North and the South. However, Lee could not accept Lincoln's offer. Born and raised in the state of Virginia, Lee just couldn't bring himself to fight the place he considered his home. Robert E. Lee never wanted war. But, he knew he had to do what he could to help the South.