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Russia had no president during WWI; it was a monarchy at the beginning lead by Tsar Nicolas II, however the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 forced the Tsar to abdicate the throne. After the Tsar was executed along with his family, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin seized power along with the other communists. The communists ended Russia's involvement in WWI and signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

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14y ago

In order:

1) General Grand Duke Nikolas Nikolaevich - 6'7" cousin of the Tsar (August 1, 1914 - August 21, 1915)

2) Colonel-Tsar Nicholas II himself (August 21, 1915 - March 15, 1917)

Upon becoming Tsar of Russia at age 26, Nicholas II had only been able to achieve the grade of colonel in the army and captain in the navy, to honor his father he never promoted himself to general or admiral which he easily could have. Although he was honorary general and admiral in various European courts.

General Alexeev was chief of staff and effective commander during Nicholas's period as commander in chief

following his abdication:

3) Mikhail Alexeev (March 15 - June 5 1917)

4) Alexei Brusilov (June - August 1917)

5) Lavr Kornilov (August - September 1917)

6) Alexander Kerensky (September - November 1917); the civilian leader of the provisional government; General Dukhonin was chief of staff and effectively in charge in this period

following the Bolshevik coup:

7) Nikolai Dukhonin (November - December 1917); he was murdered by mutinous soldiers

8) Nikolai Krylenko (December 1917 - March 1918); a Bolshevik revolutionary. In March the office of commander in chief was abolished

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14y ago

There were several during the war

  1. Tsar Nicholas ll who was later assassinated in along with his Family in 1918
  2. The Provisional Government from March to October 1917 first headed by Prince Georgy Lvov then by Alexander Kerensky
  3. Vladimir Lenin after the October Revolution ousted the Provisional Government. Later in 1918, Lenin concluded Russia's involvement in World War 1. The war ended while Lenin was still in power.
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14y ago

During World War One Russia was run by Tsar Nicholas II until he abdicated in 1917.

In 1918 the Bolshevik Revolution, lead by Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the provisional government and eventually caused Russia to surrender and pull out of the fighting.

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14y ago

Prince Georgy Lvov was the first leader of the Provisional Government. The second leader was Alexander Kerensky who took over when Lvov resigned three months after starting.

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11y ago

Jozef Stalin. He died in 1953. Read some Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, like "The Gulag Archipelago" or the more manageable "One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich."
Joseph Stalin

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14y ago

Tsar Nicholas II was the leader of Tsarist Russia in World War 1.

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