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Hồ Chí Minh (North Vietnam) and Ngô Đình Diệm (South Vietnam).

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Ike '55-Ford '75.

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Q: Who was president of Vietnam when the war began?
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Where did the Vietnam war?

The war began when President Eisenhower sent US Advisers to Vietnam in 1955; however most historians consider the starting date of the war to be 1961, when President Kennedy sent the Special Forces (Green Beret) to Vietnam.

When did MacArthur get discharged from the Vietnam war?

General Douglas MacArthur was no longer in the military when the Vietnam War began. President Truman relieved him of Command during the Korean War on April 10, 1951.

Who was the president during the start of the Vietnam war?

Eisenhower and Kennedy both sent military advisers to Vietnam, but the actual hot war for Americans began under Lyndon Johnson.

When did the Vietnam war took place?

Vietnam war began in 1955 and ended in 1959

How was Richard Nixon involved in the Vietnam War?

he helped the war end and helped us get all of are pows back from the north vietnams

Who was president who ended the Vietnam war?

The Vietnam war ended in 1975, Gerald Ford was president.

Who was the president during the start of the war?

Eisenhower and Kennedy both sent military advisers to Vietnam, but the actual hot war for Americans began under Lyndon Johnson.

Who controlled Vietnam when the Vietnam war began?

bob Marley and justin bieber

George Wallace in the Vietnam war?

no hahah he was running for president during the vietnam war

How was the Vietnam war an outgrowth of the cold war?

Instead of exchanging words, they began exchanging bullets in Vietnam. It went from talk (cold war) to shooting (Vietnam).

Was Gerald Ford President when the Vietnam's war end?

Ford was President when South Vietnam fell to the communists (North Vietnam).

Who was President of the USA during the Vietnam War?

The president of the USA for a major time of the Vietnam War was Lyndon Johnson.